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Join the Lab

Undergraduate Research Assistant

We are always looking for undergraduate research assistants.  No previous research experience is necessary.  Research can be completed for academic credit for the psychology major, neuroscience major, or cognitive science major.  If you are interested in an undergraduate research experience, contact Dr. Connelly.

Graduate Research

The Connelly Lab accepts graduate students pursuing a PhD through the Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience Program within the Department of Psychology.  Applicants are encouraged to apply for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowships in either Quantitative Neurobiology of Behavior or Reintegrating the Phenotype. Graduate students can also apply to the EXPAND program which provides additional support for non-academic career paths. The Department of Psychology does not require applicants to submit GRE scores.  Fee waivers are available here. If you are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in the Connelly Lab, contact Dr. Connelly for further information. 

Regarding stipend support:

To provide security across the years that you are a graduate student, the Graduate School in Arts and Sciences supports graduate education and stipends by paying for costs for tuition and fees, coverage of medical, and a stipend of $30,000 ($24,000 academic year and $6,000 summer) per year - EVERY year that you are in the program.  This is different from many programs across the country which require the labs that you join to pay for these costs from grants that the PI brings into the lab (you should ask about this in places you apply). 


Stipend levels for graduate students in Prof Connelly's lab are supplemented to levels commensurate with other nationally ranked neuroscience programs. Please contact Prof Connelly or one of her graduate students if you have any questions about stipend support.

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in our research. Get in touch with us for any questions or comments regarding our work and publications. We’d love to hear from you.

Gilmer Hall, Room 175
485 McCormick Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903



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